SL-609 酔って裸で小便パーティー Drunk and Naked Piss Party (3.5396_SL-609) [2024 | 5.13 GB]

令和を駆け抜ける元気な女性たちが零したオシッコの数々。 「箸が落ちると面白い」とはよく言いますが、女子会で酔って服を脱ぎ始めると毎回興奮します! ダブルセックス、滝のような立ち姿、マングリなど意外な体位で二人が放尿し、そこかしこに尿だまりができて、そこはおしっこ湖! ぜひお酒を飲みながら番組をお楽しみください。
FF-602 変態女子:集団おならパーティー Group Fart Party (1.5086_FF-602) [2023 | 2.92 GB]

盛り上がりすぎて止まらない女子会。 1人がいきなりカメラを向けるとテンションがさらにヒートアップ! ゆっくりお尻を見せたりカメラに向かってオナラを吹いたりみんなで笑ったりする女の子たち。 お互いのオナラの匂いを嗅ぎ合ったり、お尻にナッツを詰めたり.。
SL-514 楽しんで、お風呂で裸で放尿 Having Fun and Pissing Naked in the Bath (1.5026_SL-514) [2022 | 4.54 GB]

I took a peek at the movements of female students at a training camp away from normal school life. Female students who lack common sense due to a sense of openness and even play practical jokes. The tension rises between the girls in each room, the heat rises and the tension reaches a climax. The rough waves of tension didn't stop, and when one student who held the urge to urinate from the milking in the bathroom gave himself up to a prank and urinated on the spot, I too! And she continues to urinate later. Those who urinate while being carried up, those who compete for the amount of urine, and those who urinate in the bathtub.