A female teacher who holds a teaching job called a priesthood. Before they are educators, they are also women, and of course they go to the bathroom to pee. However, it is not always possible to go to the toilet immediately when you want to. Even if you want to go to the toilet during class or an interview, you have to hide it and endure it. No matter how much you don't show it on your face, it's all you can do to endure it in your head over time. When she finally goes to the bathroom, she shows a completely different expression than usual and hits a large urination that pierces the toilet bowl. Her obscene appearance, which is the exact opposite of a neat and clean female teacher, such as her turned-up skirt and undressed underwear, was firmly recorded there. They don't know that behind her neat appearance, she is also a sex object. I would like you to see the gap between the female teachers you admire.
A female teacher who holds a teaching job called a priesthood. Before they are educators, they are also women, and of course they go to the bathroom to pee. However, it is not always possible to go to the toilet immediately when you want to. Even if you want to go to the toilet during class or an interview, you have to hide it and endure it. No matter how much you don't show it on your face, it's all you can do to endure it in your head over time. When she finally goes to the bathroom, she shows a completely different expression than usual and hits a large urination that pierces the toilet bowl. Her obscene appearance, which is the exact opposite of a neat and clean female teacher, such as her turned-up skirt and undressed underwear, was firmly recorded there. They don't know that behind her neat appearance, she is also a sex object. I would like you to see the gap between the female teachers you admire.
近年、街頭でよく目にする電車や脱毛サロンの広告は、女性の身だしなみに欠かせないものとなっています。 そこには、全身のムダ毛に悩む若い女性たちが、少しでも美しくなりたいと集う。 裸を他人に晒し、部屋の寒さと照射の痛みに耐えようとお腹が引き締まった。 同時に、尿意との戦いでもあります。 治療中は安易にトイレに行ってはいけません。 なんとか最後まで我慢しようと局部を必死に押さえつけられて顔が歪む. 強い尿意に胸を激しく揺らしながらトイレに駆け込む人、治療台で勢いよく排尿する人。 男性には絶対に見られない空間で、女性の恥ずかしいおしっこ姿を眺めてみませんか。
外販で忙しいOL、待ち合わせを急いでいる女子大生、目的地に早く着きたい人は悪徳タクシー運転手に高速道路の利用を勧められる。 エアコンが必要以上に効いた車内や、トイレに行きにくい状況などで、次第に尿意が増してきます。 早くしてほしいと頼む人もいれば、次の出口で降りてほしいと頼む人も.。 やがておしっこは尿道口の直前まで忍び寄り、出さないように努めますが、不可抗力で漏れ、反射的にパンツをずらした瞬間、ダムを破るように激しく飛び出します。 彼女自身のスカート、太もも、靴も尿で汚れており、座席には汚れがあり、足元には尿溜まりが広がっています。